Community celebrates over 130 years of being a place for people of all ages, all abilities and all identities to know and be known as God’s beloved.  We are an Open and Affirming Congregation where all are welcome, and all means all.

In community we are practicing god's radical, inclusive, real love together.

This love is radical. It can change our world if we all work together and live this love out every moment. This love unites us regardless of borders, affiliations, and religions. With compassion and grace, this love connects us all.

This love is inclusive. It accepts all people without judgment or condition. It doesn't concern itself with labels and identities but rather enters all moments with gratitude and wonder. Inclusivity demands love beyond ourselves. It strives for love of all.

This love is real. It isn't something we dream about for our future but something we strive and live here and now. It's real because it's complicated and messy and we don't always get it right. But this love is always worth the effort because even if we fail, we grow. This love always opens us to hope.

Upcoming events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...